Triangles and TrigonometryProperties of Triangles
Let’s start simple: a triangle is a closed shape that has three sides (which are A line segment is the part of a line that lies between two points, without extending to infinity. We can label line segments from point A to point B as A point is a specific location in space. Points describe a position, but have no size or shape themselves. The internal angles of a polygon are the angles on the inside, at every vertex.
We can classify triangles by the size of their angles:
A right-angled triangle A right angle is an angle of size 90°.
has one
An obtuse triangle An obtuse angle is an angle of size greater than 90° but less than 180°.
has one
An acute triangle An acute angle is an angle of size less than 90°.
For convenience, we always label triangles in the same way. The vertices are labelled with capital letters A, B and C, the sides are labelled with lowercase letters a, b and c, and the angles are labelled with Greek letters
The side that lies opposite vertex A is labeled a, and the angle that lies right next to A is labelled
Here you can see a triangle as well as the The midpoint of a line segment is the point on the line segment that splits the segment in the middle, into two congruent parts. The midpoint formula says that for endpoints
A The medians of a triangle are the line segments that connect each vertex to the midpoint of the opposite sides. The three medians of a triangle intersect in a single point called the centroid.
It seems like the medians always The centroid of a triangle is the point where its three medians intersect. It is also the “center of mass” of the triangle of uniform density.
Medians always divide each other in the ratio 2:1. For each of the three medians, the distance from the vertex to the centroid is always
The centroid is also the “balancing point” of a triangle. Draw a triangle on some cardboard, cut it out, and find the three medians. If you were accurate, you can now balance the triangle on the tip of a pencil, or hang it perfectly level from a piece of string that’s attached to its centroid:

This works because the weight of the triangle is evenly distributed around the centroid. In physics, this point is often called the center of mass.
Perpendicular Bisectors and Circumcircle
Recall that the The perpendicular bisector of a line segment passes through its midpoint and intersects it at an angle of 90°.
Draw the perpendicular bisector of all three sides of this triangle. To draw the perpendicular bisector of a side of the triangle, simply click and drag from one of its endpoints to the other.
Like before, the three perpendicular bisectors meet in a single point. And again, this point has a special property.
Any point on a perpendicular bisector has the same distance from the two endpoints of the lines it bisects. For example, any point on the blue bisector has the same distance from points A and C and any point on the red bisector has the same distance from points
The intersection point lies on all three perpendicular bisectors, so it must have the same distance from all three
This means we can draw a circle around it that perfectly touches all the vertices. This circle is called the The circumcircle of a triangle is the circle that goes through all three of its vertices.
In fact, this means that if you are given any three points, you can use the circumcenter to find a circle that goes through all three of them. (Unless the points are
Angle Bisectors and Incircle
You’re probably getting the hang of this now: we pick a certain construction, do it three times for all sides/angles of the triangles, and then we work out what’s special about their intersection.
Recall that the An angle bisector is a line or ray that splits an angle in half, into two congruent, smaller angles.
Once again, all three lines intersect at one point. You probably expected something like this, but it is important to notice that there is no obvious reason why this should happen – triangles are just very special shapes!
Points that lie on an angle bisector have the same distance from the two lines that form the angle. For example any point on the blue bisector has the same distance from side a and side c, and any point on the red bisector has the same distance from sides
The intersection point lies on all three bisectors. Therefore it must have the same distance from all three
This means we can draw a circle around it, that lies inside the triangle and just touches its three sides. This circle is called the incircle of the triangle, and the center is called the incenter.
Area and Altitudes
Finding the area of a A rectangle is a quadrilateral in which all four angles are 90°.
The width of the rectangle is the length of the bottom side of the triangle (which is called the base). The height of the rectangle is the perpendicular distance from the base to the opposite vertex.
The height divides the triangle into two parts. Notice how the two gaps in the rectangle are exactly as big as the two parts of the triangle. This means that the rectangle is
We can easily work out the area of the rectangle, so the area of the triangle must be half that:
To calculate the area of a triangle, you can pick any of the three sides as base, and then find the corresponding height, which is the line that is
In triangles, these heights are often called An altitude (or height) of a triangle is a line perpendicular to one of the sides, that goes through the opposite vertex. Every triangle has three altitudes.
Like the The medians of a triangle are the line segments that connect each vertex to the midpoint of the opposite sides. The three medians of a triangle intersect in a single point called the centroid. The perpendicular bisector of a line segment passes through its midpoint and intersects it at an angle of 90°. An angle bisector is a line or ray that splits an angle in half, into two congruent, smaller angles.
In In an acute triangle, all three interior angles are acute (less than 90°).
In In an obtuse triangle, one interior angle is larger than 90°.
In In a right-angled triangle, one interior angle is exactly 90°.